Owner of Savannah Rae Wellness, National Academy of Sports Medicine Certified Nutrition Coach and Personal Trainer, and a Bachelor's of Science in Kinesiology from Temple University. She owned an in-person training studio for 4 years in Pennsylvania before moving to online coaching only. Savannah employs realistic approaches to fitness and exercise so that they easily fit into your lifestyle, amplifying your life-long success.


"I have made more progress both physically and mentally in the past few months than I have in the past few years trying to lose weight and get healthy! It's not just about about form and moving up in weight...I'm working through a personalized journey made for where I am now, and where I want to be. I have been lost in the cycle of traditional gyms and training programs for years. Not anymore. I found my home and my people." -Eileen P.

"I'm getting more confident, not only with the exercises, but in my day-to-day because of Savannah. One of the best decisions I ever made" -Shawn W.

"Savannah is very knowledgeable, works to meet individual needs and provides a healthy and supportive work out environment. I would recommend Savannah for those new to working out, recovering from an injury or experienced athletes. She brings a fun, positive, and challenging workout in both private and group work out sessions." - Jen B.

"Savannah is a wonderful trainer who is adept at tailoring a program to meet your needs." - Carol G.

"Savannah is amazing! I have been working with her for nearly a year and I have met goals and found consistency in training, which is something I’ve never found before. She’s incredibly knowledgeable and great at customizing your workouts to your needs. Also, I simply love her personality. I always feel supported, encouraged, and empowered which has helped me discover strength I didn’t know I had." - Susan A.

"I have been with Savannah for a few months now doing personal training. She is professional, uplifting, and inspiring!! She holds me accountable while being realistic. Her style of training is my favorite, lifting with cardio and abs at the end to burn fat 💪🏼. I love the app she uses to track progress with photos, weights, and measurements. I would recommend anyone to her that needs a little more help and accountability with being the best version of yourself!!" - Haley D.

"It's a rare skill to be able to make exercise enjoyable AND effective, but Savannah has that skill set! She has helped me achieve not only my aesthetic goals but also strengthen areas where I was experiencing extreme discomfort. She is so kind and supportive, which was a great match for me, having been intimidated by some fitness experiences in the past. Regardless of your strength or fitness level, she tailors her approach to individual needs, which is such a game changer! It's so much easier to stay motivated with exercise when you can see real progress! And when you have someone like Savannah holding you accountable!" - Louise L.